Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting Low

So allow me to clarify this first; the title of this blog has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with dancing or grinding. But for those whose decided to read my blog because of the title, thanks, I need the support. Let's get started.
For the past year or so, I've been unemployed, broke, a bum, and all of the above. So during this time I have learned a lot about people (mostly my family) and myself.
Since graduating from college, I realized that I took my degree for granted. I did not understand it's importance until recently. But more so, I have changed dramatically in the last year due to this job search, especially in how I view life and others.
Let's rewind for a moment. Last year when I was preparing my graduation, I had the mindset that I would have a job by the end of the year and that I would not settle just anything. That meant I wouldn't work anywhere that I thought to be a 'blue-collar' job like working in a store or local plant. These were positions that I viewed as beneath me; bear with me, I'm being honest here. But as usual, life has its own way making us humble and receptive to what we need to know in order to survive and succeed.
It hit me one day like a ton of bricks, maybe if I tone it a little, I can find work. So that;s, what I did. I began to lower my standards. Let's be real, a job is a job and steady income is very important in this time of economic crisis. In all of this, I decided to create my own opportunities, I started an Internet radio show, this blog, I design websites for people, and I volunteer at a local shelter here in the city. Although, I'm not where I expected or planned to be a year after college, I am better than I was when I left college.
I appreciate the little things more and I realize that a title or name tag means nothing if you're not willing to put in the work and effort that comes with it. I'm privileged actually to have experienced this dilemma of finding a job, because in the process, I found myself and what I have to offer and how I can help others along the way.
So, for those of you graduating from college recently, you may not have your dream job or making six figures right after graduation, but embrace your gifts and humble yourself. With your gifts and humility, you are destined to succeed.


  1. David,

    We have had run ins through RHA and other instances. I am glad you are embracing the humility that comes with a job search. I have had my struggles with it because like you, I felt I was beneath certain types of jobs. In the end, I believe God's plan is way better than any other plan we could have planner ourselves. I am glad things are looking up for you. Continue to do what you do!


    1. Thanks Barbara! I will definitely keep moving in faith and praying. I pray that you excel in your endeavors also!Thanks for the support!
